3 Reasons Engineered Wood Is A Great Choice For Construction Projects

With a construction project, you will want to ensure you are using the best possible materials so the product lasts for as long as possible. One of the most common building materials is wood. The exact type of wood you choose to use in your project matters. Engineered wood products (EWP) offer many benefits over traditional wood products for your construction project.

#1: Sustainable

When it comes to the products you use in your construction project, you want to ensure you are using sustainable products that are not harming the environment. When you use EWP, you are participating in sustainable practices. EWP uses portions of wood that would otherwise be wasted, such as ends of wood logs or small particulates that break off during processing.

EWP ensures that all parts of the wood are used, allowing more wood products to be created from a single tree, thus increasing the final products' sustainability, as fewer trees have to be used to create a great number of wood pieces. Being more sustainable takes all of us, and using EWP is one way you can be sustainable in your building practices.

#2: Stronger End Product

Second, engineered wood products are made by taking various wood pieces and then bonding them together using heavy-duty glue. The addition of the glue to the wood product helps increase the overall strength of the wood product, which then adds to the overall durability of the product.

EWP is designed to be resistant to mold, insects, and rot that can damage other wood products, making EWP stronger. EWP can also be designed to be waterproof as well, further increasing their long-term durability.

#3: Specific Purposes

Third, as the wood is engineered, special types of wood can be made for specific purposes. For example, the wood can be made to be more pliable for use in curved walls. Or the wood can be engineered to be longer than a natural piece of lumber to help support a home with a large open floor plan. The strength, pliability, and nature of the wood can be adjusted to best suit the purpose the wood is being used for, allowing for a higher degree of customization.

Engineered wood products are sustainable, as they help ensure all parts of a tree are put to work. They are stronger and more durable than natural wood products and can be engineered for specific purposes. When taking on a construction project, you should seriously consider using EWP in your project.

Contact a company like Hillside Lumber to learn more.
