Tips For Property Owners Addressing Abandoned Wells

Orphan wells are wells that have been abandoned. They are not currently being used and thus pose some contamination risks for property owners that have them. Fortunately, there are guidelines for effectively dealing with abandoned wells today.

Find Out if You're Responsible

Before you stress out about dealing with an abandoned well, you need to first determine if it's your responsibility to deal with this structure or not. Most states have laws that say if the abandoned well is on your property, then you are responsible for dealing with it.

Once you get this confirmation, you'll know more about what to do. Don't worry either if you don't have a lot of money to deal with this structure. There are assistive programs that can provide compensation in certain circumstances. 

Decide Between Plugging and Sealing

There are two ways an abandoned well can be handled: sealing and plugging. Sealing is where the abandoned well is permanently sealed and thus is no longer a viable option to use. Whereas plugging is more of a temporary solution for an abandoned well.

If you know for certain the well is going to be used by you or a company in the future, then plugging is the best service to have performed. Sealing should only be considered if you know for certain the abandoned well is no longer going to serve a purpose. You might need a professional opinion to make this assessment.

Consult with an Environmental Agency

Even if you have an abandoned well on your property, you are not left alone to deal with this structure. You have plenty of resources, such as access to environmental agencies that deal with these wells all of the time. You can speak to one and then gain access to a list of steps to follow, saving you from doing the wrong things or wasting time and resources.

They can show you which companies to call to take care of this abandoned well, whether it's sealing or plugging. They can also provide insights on the need to have the surrounding area tested for potential contaminants that may have resulted because of this structure. 

For property owners that have abandoned wells on their property, the actions they take when dealing with these structures have a ton of weight and importance. You need to do the right things to ensure an abandoned well doesn't have the ability to impact the surrounding environment. 

Reach out to a local orphan well abandonment service to learn more about what to do.
